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New Teachers Pay Teachers Store


I am so excited to have opened my very own Teachers Pay Teachers Store! Check it out HERE.

I love sharing what I make with my colleagues at school, and figured it was about time to start sharing it online as well! I also felt that there is not enough material available in French, so I am hoping that this will provide some relief to other teachers who are constantly translating material or making things by hand.

I currently have 3 things in my store: Class Dojo FRENCH Awards (FREEBIE), Zones of Regulation Posters (Inside Out, FRENCH and ENGLISH) and  Self Assessment Posters (FRENCH and ENGLISH).

These are three of the things I love using in my class and start at the beginning of the year. Can’t wait to continue adding things throughout the year!

Be sure to Follow Me on TPT!

Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom

New School Year

Hurray! The New School Year is finally here! I am so incredibly excited to share my learning and adventures over the course of the 2018-2019 School Year!

I can hardly wait to post pictures of my classroom reveal! I just have a few more things to tidy up and go through before I am ready.

These past three weeks of getting to know my students and setting up our classroom routines have been so much fun! This year is going to be a great one!

In the meantime, be sure to check out my Classroom Blog HERE! My students have been hard at work learning how to post their learning and reflections to our blog. Very cute!

À bientôt!
Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom

Bureau en Gros Teacher Sale

I was so excited to hit up Bureau en Gros this weekend! In Quebec, they are offering 15% off your purchase and 10% off technology on August 12th, 19th, 25th and 26th (August 25th, 26th, September 2nd and 9th for other provinces).

I got my lanyards for my students’ brag tags as well as some new Papermate Flair Pens! They are my absolute favourite pens! They don’t bleed through the page and they are bright and come in a bunch of fun colours. The kids really enjoyed them as well.

I also got a super cute journal and pen as a free gift!

I can hardly wait to get back to school!
Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom

Teachers Pay Teachers Store

For those of you who don’t know what it is, Teachers Pay Teachers is an amazing site where educators from all over share their original educational material with one another. You can purchase material and even download some material for free.

It is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

I make a lot of my materials myself because I feel that having things looking crisp and neat rather than a sheet that looks like it’s been photocopied over 10 times makes a huge difference in my students’ motivation to work. I also have trouble finding material that I like in French.

Teachers Pay Teachers is a great resource that has such awesome material available. I have purchased plenty of things on Teachers Pay Teachers and then translated them to French so that they work for my classroom.

My dream, however is to start my very own Teachers Pay Teachers store where I can share all my work with all of you! I’m missing a few key skills/components to get me there. I need to find someone to make some custom graphics for me, I need to get a better handle on PDFs and graphic design, I need to figure out the copyright component, and I need to find a way to design my material on the computer instead of drawing it by hand.

I would absolutely love to get my very own store up and running this year, but we’ll see how things go.
Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom

My Goals For This School Year

It is usually around this time that I start getting extremely excited for the new school year. I’ve been getting lost in Pinterest and making a list of things I’d like to do for this year. Here is my current list of goals and I hope to share more on them throughout the year.

  1. Start Math Centers
  2. Start Math Tasks this year
  3. Get rid of Homework (*gasp*)
  4. Get CAFE back up and running in my classroom
  5. Have weekly independent work for students to complete
  6. Successfully run a 1:1 iPad Classroom
  7. Use Remind with the parents

Let’s see if I can complete them all and maybe even add some more goals to the list as the year goes on!

What are your goals for this school year?

Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom
Classroom Reveal

End of Year – Classroom Reveal

 Because I took photos before we packed everything up, I really wanted to share them with you. I’ll probably end up changing things slightly when I begin setting up in August.

Please ignore the mess (haha)! As I mentioned earlier, we ended up needing to pack everything up, so things got a little messy as I began to pack. Not to mention, and came back with only a few weeks left of school.
Classroom Reveal
Reading Corner
Classroom Reveal
Couch and Tent
Classroom Reveal
Tables and Team Bins
Daily 5 Wall (This couch is going to be donated.)
Classroom Reveal
Circle Time Area
My (Messy) Desk Area
Classroom Reveal
Short Tables With Stools
Classroom Reveal
View From the Door

Looking at these photos now, I can hardly wait to go back and start setting things up for real. And I can’t wait to have NO MORE MESS AND CLUTTER! Haha.

Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom
End of School

Packing Up For The Summer

We found out last Wednesday that, in the end, we would need to pack up our ENTIRE classroom for the summer. Originally, we had been told to set up our room for next year and they would be sealing our doors. Our school is getting some nice renos over the summer, and they didn’t think they would touch our classrooms. Alas, after spending a day at school with my boyfriend, setting up for next year, it all had to be undone and packed up.

The most challenging part was that I had to do it with the students still in the classroom! My back is still not 100%, so I am not allowed to move furniture or lift things, which was very limiting for me to do pretty much anything while the students were there. I used this time to organize papers and clean things.

On Friday, my boyfriend and a friend came in to help me pack everything up. We had 4 hours to get it all done, but we made it!
End of School

I can’t wait to unpack everything and get ready for the new school year! 

End of School
End of School
Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom


Upon my return to work, my students were finishing up their end of year STEAM projects. I wish I had been there for the entire project as I am finding it hard to help out not knowing much about STEAM.

STEAM is an educational approach  that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. It promotes open dialogue and critical thinking during the learning process.

Our students’ topic was: “If the Earth was no longer habitable, where would we live? How would we get food, air, medicine, etc.?” The students seemed to thoroughly enjoy this project.

I am very interested in looking more into STEAM over the summer. Have you ever taught using the STEAM approach?


Going Back To Work

Four months ago, I was in a car accident on my way to work. The roads were extremely dangerous and while waiting at a light, I was hit from behind and twice on the side. Although I was quite distraught, I thought nothing of it and went to work. The next day, I was unable to walk and took a sick day thinking I could sleep it off. I went to work the following day and spent most of it sitting and trying to keep a smile on my face, only to be put on a leave of absence by my doctor later that afternoon. From a rollercoaster ride of being told I had a compression fracture, finding out I had mild scoliosis, being told I have a pulled ligament in my shoulder, having constant back pain, having to rely on others to help me with the simplest of tasks and thinking that things just couldn’t get any worse, I am very proud to say that my road to recovery is almost complete.

After countless hours spent in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and doing at home exercises, I am finally starting to get my independence back. Tomorrow I will be going back to work and in a little under a month I will be performing onstage with my friends, two things that I thought would not be possible four months ago.

I cannot thank my friends and family enough for all that they have done for me over the past four months. Their words of encouragement, their help getting me to my doctor’s appointments, their pushing me in a wheelchair so I could enjoy a moment of doing something normal, and their patience were a huge help. It truly meant the world to me and made all the difference.

What this experience has taught me more than anything is that life is not always easy and that you may find yourself in what feels to be an impossible situation, but it’s not always how you handle it in that moment that matters but what you do with those experiences and knowledge afterwards.


I’m Back!

It has been two months since I last posted! TOO LONG! But have no fear! I’m back!

My class is freshly painted and I can hardly wait to bring all my new IKEA purchases to school! I have also been hard at work on creating my own materials so that I can open my very own Teachers Pay Teachers Store! I am so incredibly excited! What are some things you would like to see in my store that would be helpful for you?

A huge thank you to my 43 followers on Facebook! I super appreciate all the support.

Looking forward to continuing to share some great things with all of you!

​Happy Long Weekend!
