I am so excited to have my ClassDojo wall all setup!

At the top are the Points Club circles. When a student reaches any increment of 100, they get their name displayed under the corresponding Points Club circle. Students also receive a certificate congratulating them on their accomplishments. You can download my Points Club Circles and ClassDojo Certificates for FREE HERE. They are available in French and in English!
My Dojo Store is made up of coupons that cost anywhere from $5-$100. They are mostly free (for me to provide to students) with the exception of smelly stickers and giant stickers, which I purchased from the Dollar Store. I made the coupons myself and added my Bitmoji to each of them to make them funny. My students absolutely love them! So far the most popular coupon was No Homework ($25). I may have to increase the price on that one, haha.
I hope to make the coupons available soon on my Teachers Pay Teachers Store!