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French Easter Activities

French Easter Activities



Get excited to celebrate Easter with your students while exposing them to some new French vocabulary in a fun and engaging way! These French Easter Activities are the perfect addition to your classroom!

What's Included in the Easter Activities Mini Bundle

This mini bundle includes over 5 high quality resources that your students are going to love!

Get students excited to learn new French Easter themed vocabulary while playing Bingo! They build their own bingo cards and then have fun practicing their vocabulary! 

Get students recognizing the spelling of their French Easter themed vocabulary words while playing a mots cachés!

French Easter Bingo
Easter mots cachés

My students’ personal favourite… Trouve les différences! Find the 8 differences between the Easter images.

J’écris la salle de class (aka Write the Room) is another fun activity for students to find the French Easter themed vocabulary words hidden around your classroom. I have even included 2 bonus words for you to choose from!

French Easter Activity - Trouve les différences
French Easter Activity - J'écris la salle de classe

Get students following a colour code to with their French Easter themed vocabulary words to discover a hidden Easter image with the coloriage magique!

And last, but certainly not least, is a fun BONUS colouring activity! Can your students find all the bunnies?

French Easter Colour by Code
French Easter Activity - Find the Bunnies

print & Go Activities

If you’re in a pinch or just need some no-prep activities, this French Easter Activities mini bundle has got you covered! There are 5 print and go activities included.

Students will need a pencil, colouring materials (markers, crayons, pencil crayons, etc.), scissors and glue.

All activities are included in colour and black & white!

French Easter Activities
French Easter Activities - Colour and Black & White

Minimal Prep - J'écris la salle de classe

This minimal prep activity is sure to be a hit! Simply print the vocabulary cards on cardstock, laminate and cut for durability and post (or hide) them around your classroom! No more than 15-20min to be good to go!

French Easter Activity - J'écris la salle de classe

Grab the French Easter Activities Mini Bundle

I hope that you and your students will enjoy these French Easter Activities in your classroom! I’d love to hear from you! What did your students’ enjoy most?

Chelsea’s Colourful Classroom

Looking For More FRENCH Holiday Activities?

Be sure to check these posts from the blog:


You can also shop the Holiday Activities in my TPT Store:

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